Hi, and welcome to DearWendy.com’s first message board! Hopefully, you’re familiar with how to use a website message board, but if you aren’t, I’m sure you’ll quickly catch on. As for forum rules, they’re the same as they are for the rest of the site: be respectful of each other; don’t call anyone rude names; and use common sense (i.e. if you think it may be inappropriate, it probably is).
If you’ve been reading the site/my writing for a while, you probably already know a little about me (the highlights: I’m 35, married to Drew, and mother to baby Jackson and cats, Miles and Simone. We live in Brooklyn. I grew up in Japan, Korea and Germany, went to college in Missouri, and lived in Chicago for seven years before moving to New York). I love karaoke, champagne cocktails, breakfast sandwiches, overhearing funny conversations on the street, and finding great deals online. I also like reading, riding my bike and being complimented on my cooking. I think yoga is boring.
Your turn.